Dear Friends & Family,
If you know me, you know I am a fan of Kenny Chesney’s music. I love his strong and pure voice along with lyrics that are sometimes fun and sometimes touching. If you have been with me when a Kenny song comes on, you know that I ask for silence in order to listen and appreciate whatever song is on. Well, about 5 years ago Kenny Chesney was performing at The Home Depot Center in Carson. As much as I wanted to attend the concert, I couldn’t part with such a big chunk of money. I came up with an alternate plan instead, Curt thought I was crazy, but was willing to go along with the plan. On the night of the concert we loaded up the kids in the truck and headed for The Home Depot Center. My heart was racing; I could hear his voice as we drove into the open air stadium parking lot. A nice security guard gave us permission to park along a curb right next to the stadium. The kids got so excited, thinking we were going in to see the concert. It took awhile to convince them we were just going to sit in the truck and not go in. We finally got them settled down and calm enough to just sit and listen. There we sat, the five of us, windows rolled down, a warm summer breeze blowing, listening to the music of Kenny. I was extremely happy to be so close and to hear Kenny’s live voice.
A few years later, we were reminiscing about this experience with Bill & Carolyn Melanson. We were surprised to discover that they were actually at that concert, inside, with real seats. They shared with us how much they enjoyed the concert, the excitement of the crowd, the big screens on either side of the stage, the lighting, the energy of the performers. All the stuff that we missed. It made me doubt that our experience was so great. Maybe we missed out? Maybe it would have been better to be in the stadium feeling the energy?
These days I wonder…. am I going through life right now sitting on the outside? Am I truly capturing all the memories I can? Am I feeling all I can? Am I missing anything? Do I need to be on the inside with the excitement of the crowds, the big screens, the lights, and the energy? Part of me says it was great on the outside; in fact, it suited us perfectly. We heard the music, felt the warm breeze and were together as a family. What more could I ask for?
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Happy #11 Birthday Corbin! |
Curt is still doing well on the new program. Yesterday he noticed his speech was not so clear and realized he forgot to take his supplements on time. The improvement in his speech is still definitely noticeable. We know the supplements are working in his body and look forward to more results in time.
Clarissa & Cayden begin school tomorrow as a senior and a sophomore. Corbin is enjoying his last days of summer. Thanks for supporting our family through thoughts and prayers.
Cindy, Curt, Clarissa, Cayden & Corbin
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Cayden & friends hanging out in the garage |
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Clarissa & Emily Ready for "Jersey Jam" High School Dance |
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Having fun with our great friends! |