Dear Friends & Family,
It is only fitting this time of year that we take time to appreciate what we have and think of what we could give. Inspired by Oprah, if we could give our friends our Favorite Things, this is what you’d get from the Ziemke Family.
Corbin’s Favorite Things:
Fiji Water
My motorcycle
Hanging out with friends and family at parties at our house
Cayden’s Favorite Things:
Video editing
My truck
Good times with friends
Tommy’s & In & Out
The desert
Clarissa’s Favorite Things:
The smell of sunscreen
French Fries & Ranch
Lake Nacimiento
Country music
Cindy’s Favorite Things:
Iced Tea (especially from It’s A Grind)
UGG Slippers
Seat heater in my car
A soft down pillow
Curt’s Favorite Things:
The smell of the desert while riding my motorcycle
The sound of a Honda CR500 - 2 stroke
Sunrise while on a road trip
Sunshine on my body
Patron Platinum Tequila
We had fun creating this list together and guessing each other’s favorite things. We are truly grateful for all we have....from the simplest “things” to sensory pleasures. As a family, we are thankful for the gift of time and for the laughter which fills our home. And of course, we are thankful for our wonderful, supportive and awesome friends and family who have been right beside us throughout this journey. We thank God for giving us peace, happiness and hope.
This past week was super busy and super fun! Our neighbors Bob & Karen Knapp invited us to see Clint Black in concert at The Grove on Wednesday. It was an awesome experience being in the front row and center! We could almost reach out and touch him. Thanks Bob & Karen (and Adam). Thursday, Curt took Clarissa and her friends Danielle & Katie shopping for Formal Dresses in downtown Los Angeles. He really enjoyed the experience and laughter with the girls. It was all fun and games until their waiter at dinner rushed over to tell him his van was being towed away. Luckily Clarissa is a fast runner and a sweet talker; she was able to get them to take the car off the tow hook and settled for an $88.00 ticket. Our Friday girls group got together to celebrate Margie’s birthday at a sweet little tea house in Lakewood while the guys met for breakfast at Schooner or Later. Saturday we got our Christmas Tree and decorated it on Sunday, now our house is fully decorated and done-up for Christmas! Sunday night we enjoyed dinner at The Fish Company with our friends George & Denise. Today, Corbin’s class had their Chapel program and then he got to ride in a limo to Ruby’s on the pier as a reward for raising money for the school jog-a-thon. Go Corbin!
We are thankful for the busyness of the season which helps keep our minds off ALS and what it is doing to Curt’s body. Thank you for thinking of us and praying for Curt.
Cindy, Curt, Clarissa, Cayden & Corbin
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Clint Black Concert |
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Bob & Karen Knapp |
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Clint Black-this was taken from our seats. Pretty darn close! |
Clarissa shopping with Curt in downtown Los Angeles for her Mardi Gras Formal Dress |
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Lori, Margie (Happy Birthday), Jaime Julie, Carolyn, Lynn, RaeLynn, Lisa, Me at Margie's Birthday Tea |
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Ready to hang ornaments |
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Clarissa cracking up on the floor at something Cayden said. |
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Corbin's Limo Ride to Ruby's |
Miss Cindy,
Such a cute update.....perhaps you guys would like to know what our favorite things are.....come on everyone.....let's entertain the Ziemke's
"Shop lifting" with Ceila while laughing so hard we can't run...."START THE CAR!!!!!!"
Dusk, which includes fabulous sunsets and cocktail hour
Finishing a painting and actually loving it
Seeing my grand lassies who live in Scotland
That first sip of coffee on a frosty winter morning
Knowing that our family and dear friends are safe,well and happy
O and just one more little thing......fighting with Celia over jigsaw puzzles at home on the river! "Celia! Stop messin' with my pieces and get out of my way!" "And cut those damned finger nails!"
May your Christmas be filled with Sweet Surprises and your New Year Blessed with Miracles!
OK, if you guys aren't going to share your thingys, I'll post some of my Husband's favorite things!
Smoking tons of cigars while avoiding lung cancer....yea right!
Five O clock cocktails
Showing off in his hotrods
Hangin' out in the man cave w/ his buds
NASCAR, Football and Barret-Jackson
My Favorite Things are:
My kids and grandkids and knowing they love me as much as I love them
The fragrance and beauty of roses
Sitting quietly and enjoying the peace, serenity and beauty of a sunset, where ever I am
The site and sound of a dramatic lighting and thunderstorm
A beautiful field of wildflowers
God has created a beautiful world, sometimes we have to get past the ugliness to see the beauty.
Oh, and my best friend Barbie, Bless her dear lord for her wild imagination.
I saw the following and think it pretty much sums up words to live by:
Be the kind of person that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says, "Oh No, She's up!" Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forgive the ones who don't, just because you can. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Take a few minutes to think before you act when you're mad. Forgive quickly. God never said life would be easy, He just promised it would be worth it.
To the cool people that have touched my life, here's to you!! A real friend walks with you when the rest of the world walks on you.
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