Change In Mexico Travel Plans

Dear Friends & Family,

Due to the unrest in Mexico we have decided to fly to Monterrey. We will leave Sunday evening and fly to Dallas where we will spend the night with our great friends Mike & Melissa! We will leave Monday morning for Monterrey and arrive at 11:00 am. We will stay in Mexico for 2 nights at The Presidente Intercontinental Hotel and return home Wednesday night. Curt & I are more relaxed about the trip and the fact that we will only be away from the kids for 3 nights. I know this trip was meant to be and the treatment is going to help Curt. All the travel arrangements just fell into place today even though it was last minute. Thank you Sandy Klein for the frequent flyer miles for Curt & me, you are amazing and so generous!!!!

We received an email on Monday that Curt was turned down for the research study in Monterrey, our first choice, which was supported by our doctor. It is good to know that that treatment is no longer an option. This treatment Curt will receive is our only hope and obviously meant to be. Please pray for Dr. Francisco Ramirez who will be treating Curt while we are there. Please pray on Wednesday for the Stem Cells to enter his body and begin healing right away.

Thank you for praying for us and our family. Please pray for Curt to be able to rest and relax on the flight (flying is not his favorite thing). Please pray for Ray & Margie Arevalo who are taking vacation time and leaving their daughter with family in order to travel with us. Thank you Ray & Margie for all the information today and for being so flexible with the travel plans. We are so blessed with such great friends!


Cindy & Curt

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